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Genealogy Guide: Resources at the Center for Jewish History

Archival and Library Materials

Austria: The Vital Records of Jewish Community in Vienna Collection contains microfilmed birth records (1826-1938), circumcision records (1870-1914), marriage records (1857-1938) and death records (1826-1931), with accompanying indexes. MF 548

Brugger, Eveline, et. al. Geschichte der Juden in Österreich. [History of the Jews in Austria]. Wien: Überreuter, 2013. st 6612

Baden and Württemberg: The Berthold Rosenthal Collection (1706-1959) includes manuscripts and correspondence on the history and genealogies of the Jews in Baden, memorbücher (memorial books) of many other communities, family trees, surname adoptions, and lists of residents. AR 637

Strauss, Peter. Familienforschung bei juedischen Vorfahren aus Baden-Württemberg. [Family Research on Jewish Ancestors from Baden-Württemberg]. Stuttgart: Peter Strauss, 1994. q CS 3010 S7 1994

Bavaria: Schwierz, Israel. Steinerne Zeugnisse juedischen Lebens in Bayern. [Witnesses in Stone of Jewish life in Bavaria].  Muenchen: Bayerische Landeszentrale fuer politische Bildungsarbeit, 1992.  Tombstones in Bavarian Jewish Cemeteries. Reading Room  DS 135 G36 S395 1992

Berlin and Northern Germany:  The Rudolf Jakob Simonis Collection (1749-1965) contains several hundred family trees, family histories, and related correspondence for Berlin, northern Germany, and Sweden. AR 7019

Bohemia: Gold, Hugo. Die Juden und Judengemeinden Boehmens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. [The Jews and Jewish Communities of Bohemia’s Past and Present]. Bruenn-Prag: Juedischer Buch- und Kunstverlarg, 1934. q DS 135 .C954 G63

Bukovina: Gold, Hugo. Geschichte der Juden in der Bukowina. [History of the Jews in Bukovina]. Tel-Aviv: Olamenu, 1958-1962. Reading Room  DS 135 R72 B8 G61

Former East Germany (including states of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia): Jersch-Wenzel, Stefi, et. al. Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in den Archiven der neuen Bundeslaender. [Guide to Jewish History Sources in the Archives of the Former East Germany]. Muenchen; New Providence: K.G. Saur, 1996. Reading Room  CD 1222. Q8

Frankfurt: Ele Toldot is a collection of transcriptions of genealogical records of the Jewish community of Frankfurt am Main (1241-1824).  AR 5241

Dietz, Alexander, and Isabel ed Mordy. The Jewish Community of Frankfurt: A Genealogical Study, 1349-1849. Worthyvale Manor, Camelford: Vanderher Publications, 1988. Reading Room  DS 135 G4 F7 D5412

Hesse: Arnsberg, Paul. Die juedischen Gemeinden in Hessen: Anfang, Untergang, Neubeginn. [The Jewish Communities in Hessen: Beginning, Decline, New Start]  Frankfurt am Main: Societaets-Verlag, 1971-1973. Reading Room  DS 135 .G4 H48 A75

Heinemann, Hartmut. Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden im hessischen Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden, 1806-1866. [Guide to Jewish History Sources in the Major Archives of the State of Hessen in Wiesbaden, 1806-1866]. Wiesbaden: Kommission fuer die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen, 1997. Reading Room  DS 135 .G4 H43 Q445 1997

Moravia: Gold, Hugo. Die Juden und Judengemeinden Mährens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. [The Jewish Communities of Moravia’s Past and Present]. Brünn: Jüdischer Buch- und Kunstverlag, 1929. Reading Room  DS 135 C955 G63

Posen: The Edward Luft Collection (1698-2009) contains various name lists, articles, books, and maps pertaining to the Jewish community of Posen.  AR 6957

Heppner, Aron, and Isaac Herzberg. Aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart der Juden und der jued. Gemeinden in den posener Landen. [From the Past and Present of the Jews and the Jewish Communities in Posen]. Koschmin: Selbstverlag, 1909.* Reading Room  DS 135 .G4 P69 H41
* A partial English translation of this book is available in the Irene E. Newhouse Collection (AR 10479).

Luft, Edward David. The Naturalized Jews of the Grand Duchy of Posen in 1834 and 1835. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2004. Genealogy Institute  DS 135.P62 P636 2004

Prussia and Silesia: Brandt, Edward R., et. al. Genealogical Guide to East and West Prussia: Records, Sources, Publications & Events. Minneapolis: Edward R. Brandt, 2003. Reading Room  CS 611 G46

Jersch-Wenzel, et. al. Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in polnischen Archiven. [Guide to Jewish History Sources in Polish Archives]. Muenchen: Saur, 2003. Reading Room  CD 1222 Q81

Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Dokumentation zur Geschichte der juedischen Bevoelkerung in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland von 1800 bis 1945. [Documentation of the History of the Jewish Population in the Regions of the Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland from 1800 to 1945]. Koblenz: Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz in Verbindung mit dem Landesarchive Saarbruecken, 1982. DS 135 .G4 P35 P3

Schwaben: The John H. Bergmann Collection (1810-1991) contains a history of the Jews of Laupheim (Schwaben), with family trees for most families, and information and files on surrounding communities in Schwaben, e.g. Ichenhausen, Huerben, Augsburg and Buttenhausen. AR 4861

Pfister, Doris, and Peter Fassl. Dokumentation zur Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in Schwaben. [Documentation of the History and Culture of the Jews in Schwaben]. Augsburg: Bezirk Schwaben, 1993. DS 135 .G37 D6 1993

Shanghai: LBI Archives and Library have significant holdings on the community of Jews living in Shanghai during World War II, including clippings, interviews, posters, correspondence, videos, municipal records, address books, and a list of refugees who died while in Shanghai. The largest pertinent archival collection is the Jews in Shanghai Collection, 1933-2002 (AR 2509).

Westphalia and Lippe: Göttmann, Frank. Historisches Handbuch der jüdischen Gemeinschaften in Westfalen und Lippe. Muenster: Ardey-Verlag, 2008. Reading Room  DS 135 G4 W4 H57

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