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Genealogy Guide: Resources at the Center for Jewish History


England: Barnett, Lionel.  Bevis Marks records: being contributions of the history of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation of London. Oxford: University Press, 1940-49. 6 volumes. Includes abstracts of birth, circumcision, and death registers, ketubot (Jewish marriage contracts), and civil marriage registers; with indexes. BM 295 .S7 L6 1940 (Reading Room: volumes 1-3 only)

Greece: Molho, Michael. Matsevot Bet Ha-almin Shel Yehude Saloniki [Tombstones of the Jewish Cemetery of Salonica].  Tel-Aviv: Hotsaʼat Makhon le-ḥeḳer Yahadut Śaloniḳi, 1974. In Hebrew. Includes an index of names. PN 6297 .H4 M6 1974

Mōysēs, Aser R. Les Noms Des Juifs De Grèce: histoire, Origine, Signification Des Prénoms Et Des Noms De Famille Des Juifs De Grèce [The names of the Jews of Greece: the history, origin, and meaning of given and family names]. In French. CS 3010 .M6514 1990

Netherlands:  De Joodse Begraafplaatsen te Middelburg [Jewish Cemeteries of Middleburg]. Amsterdam: Vereniging Nederlandse Kring voor Joodse Genealogie, 1977. In Dutch. Sections on Portuguese Jews and Dutch Jews, listing names, ages, place of burial, and epitaphs. PN 6297 .H5 J7 1977

Messel, Saul Van. Encyclopædia Sefardica Neerlandica [Encyclopedia of Sephardim in the Netherlands]. Amsterdam: Portugees-Israëlietische Gemeente, 1948. S102.D8 .M44 1948 Besso

Verdooner, Dave. Den Haag Portugees-Isrealitische Huwelijken: 1711-1714 & 1730-1778  [Portuguese-Jewish Marriages in The Hague, 1711-1714 & 1730-1778]. Amsterdam: Vereniging Nederlandse Kring voor Joodse Genealogie, n.d. In Dutch. Provides names and dates of marriages. Also includes births and deaths from 1755 to 1818. DS 135 .N5 H32

Verdooner, Dave. Huwelijken In Joods Den Haag: 1681-1811 [Jewish Marriages in the Hague, 1681-1811]. Amsterdam: Vereniging Nederlandse Kring voor Joodse Genealogie, n.d. In Dutch, with notes in English. This book contains bridegrooms’ family names and patronymic, brides’ family names and patronymic. DS 135 .N5 H33

Verdooner, Dave, and Snel, H. J.W. Handleiding Bij De Index op De Ketuboth Van de Portuguees-Israelietische Gemeente te Amsterdam Van 1650-1911 [Index of Marriage Registers of the Portuguese-Jewish Community of Amsterdam, 1650-1911]. Amsterdam: Vereniging Nederlandse Kring voor Joodse Genealogie, 1990. In Dutch. This book contains the name of the groom, his father and grandfather, the name of the bride, her father and grandfather, witnesses, and the date according to Jewish calendar. DS 135 .N5 A7 1990

Portugal & Spain:  Abecassis,  Jose Maria. Genealogia Hebraica. Lisboa: J. M. Abecassis, 1990. 5 volumes. In Portuguese. Genealogies of the Jews of Portugal and Gibraltar from the 17th to 20th centuries, with an index of names and bibliography. Reading Room  DS 135 .P7 A37 1990

Turkey: Pinto, Baruh B. The Sephardic Onomasticon: An Etymological Research on Sephardic Family Names of the Jews Living in Turkey. Istanbul: Gözlem Gazetecılık Basin Ve Yayin A.Ş, 2004. CS 1479 .A2 P57 2004

North Africa

Eisenbeth, Maurice. Les Juifs De L'Afrique Du Nord: Démographie & Onomastique [Jews of North Africa: Demographics and Names]. Alger: Impr. Du Lycée, 1936. DS 135 .A25 E37 1936a

Morocco: Laredo, Abraham I. Les noms des Juifs du Maroc: essai d'onomastique judeo-marocaine [The names of the Jews of Morocco]. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto "B. Arias Montano," 1978.  In French. CS 3010 .L37 1978*
*Note: An index of names in this book is available in the Genealogy Institute (Fiche 35).

Lopez Alvarez, Ana Maria. La comunidad judia de Tetuan, 1881-1940: onomastica y sociologia en el libro de registro de circuncisiones del rabino Yishaq Bar Vid Al Haserfaty [The Jewish community of Tetuan, 1881-1940]. Toledo, Spain: Museo Sefardi, 2003. In Spanish. Includes circumcision registers.
DS 135 .M85 T486 2003

Toledano,  Joseph. La saga des familles: les juifs du Maroc et leurs noms [The saga of families: Morocco's Jews and their names]. Tel Aviv: Editions Stavit, 1983. In French. DS 135 .M9 A17 1983

Tunisia:  Attal, Robert, and Avivi, Joseph. Registres Matrimoniaux De La Communaute Juive Portugaise De Tunis Aux XVIIIe Et XIXe Siecles [Marriage registers of the Portuguese Jewish community of Tunis in the 18th and 19th centuries]. Jerusalem: Institut Ben-Zvi, 2000. In French. Includes 1031 ketubot, providing the date of marriage, names of bride and groom, signatures of witnesses, and the name of the person performing the ceremony. Also contains an index of names. Reading Room  DS 135 .T72 T8632 2000

Middle East & Asia

Bukhara (Uzbekistan): Pinkhasov, Robert. Bukharian Jews: An Encyclopedic Reference. New York: R. Pinhasov, 2010. Includes an extensive “Who’s Who” of prominent Bukharian Jews worldwide. DS 135 .U92 P5613 2010

Tolmas, Ḣano. Bukharskie Evrei: Imena, Familii, Prozvishcha. Israilʹ: "M " Pub. House, 2005. In Russian. Bukharian Jewish surname dictionary.
CS 3010 .T656 2005

Burma: Belinfante, Randall C., and Fischl, Ruth. Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue: Birth Register Book. Rangoon, Burma: Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue, 1979. In English. Birth register book, mostly chronological, providing the child’s name, mother, father, date of birth, and the corresponding date on Jewish calendar. CS3010 .Z9 R36 1979  

China: Leslie, Donald. The Chinese-Hebrew Memorial Book of the Jewish Community of K'aifeng. Belconnen, Australia: Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1984. Features lists of names found in Jewish community and local sources and genealogical tables of prominent families.
DS 135 .C5 L46 1984

India: Ezra, Esmond David. Turning Back the Pages: A Chronicle of Calcutta Jewry. London: Brookside, 1986. Vol. 1: history of the Jews of Calcutta, with index of names for both volumes; Vol. 2: genealogy of the Ezra family. DS 135 .I62 C344 1986

Kurdistan: Yona, Mordechai. Entsiḳlopedyah Shel Yehude Kurdistan [Encyclopedia of the Jews of Kurdistan]. Yerushalayim: Mordekhai Yonah, 2003. 3 volumes. Vols. 2 & 3 contain extensive family trees, histories, and photos. DS 135 .K8 Y66 2003

Yemen: Gavra, Moshe. Entsiḳlopedyah La-ḳehilot Ha-Yehudiyot Be-Teman [Encyclopedia of the Jewish Communities of Yemen]. Bene Beraḳ: Ha-Makhon Le-ḥeḳer ḥakhme Teman, 2004. In Hebrew. DS 135 .Y4 G36 2004

Western Hemisphere

Argentina: Yanasowicz, Itzhak. Pinḳes Fun Der ḳehile in Buenos Ayres [Record Book of the Jewish Community of Buenos Aires]. Buenos-Ayres: Ḳulṭur Deparṭamenṭ Bay Der ḳehile in Buenos Ayres, 1963. In Yiddish and Spanish. P5 1963 Besso CIN=RCB

Barbados: Shilstone, Eustace M. Jewish monumental inscriptions in Barbados: with historical notes from 1630. London: MacMillan Publishers, 1988. Includes tombstone inscriptions from the Jewish cemetery of Bridgetown, a plan of the cemetery, and an index of names in Hebrew, English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Reading Room F 2041 .S56 1988

Curacao: Emmanuel, Isaac Samuel. Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao: Curacaon Jewry 1656-1957. New York: Bloch, 1957. Contains epitaphs from tombstones in the cemetery of Congregation Mikve Israel 1656-1957, plus biographies, photos of tombstones, an index of names, and a map of the cemetery. Reading Room F 2049 .E42 1957

Jamaica:  Barnett, Richard David, Wright, Philip, and Yoffe, Oron. The Jews of Jamaica: Tombstone Inscriptions, 1663-1880. Jerusalem: Ben Ziv Institute, 1997.  Text in English; inscriptions in Hebrew, English, Portuguese, Spanish. Provides tombstone inscriptions from 1663 to 1880, and includes an index. Reading Room F 1896 .J48 B37

Wright, Philip. Monumental Inscriptions of Jamaica. London: Society of Genealogists, 1966. Registers of births and deaths and epitaphs from Jamaica, including Jews and non-Jews. Contains a bibliography. F 1865 .W74  

Mexico:  Hamui De Halabe, Liz, and Charabati, Fredy. Los Judios De Alepo En Mexico. México: Maguen David, 1989. In Spanish. History and genealogy of the Jews from Aleppo, Syria who emigrated to Mexico; with index, bibliography and maps. F 1392 .J4 J815 1989

Suriname: Ben-Ur, Aviva, and Frankel, Rachel. Remnant Stones: The Jewish Cemeteries of Suriname: Epitaphs. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 2009. Includes tombstone photos, epitaph transcriptions with English translations, index, and cemetery maps. F 2431 .J4 B46 2009

United States:  Records of the Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America, 1913-2004. Contains hundreds of death records of members, which contain information about membership, gravestones, funeral expenses, medical services, immigration and naturalization, marriages, conversions, social welfare, divorces, and other legal issues. AR-33

Berman, Myron. Richmond's Jewry, 1769-1976: Shabbat in Shockoe. Charlottesville: Published for the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond by the UP of Virginia, 1979. F 234 .R59 J53 1979

Birmingham, Stephen. The Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite. New York: Syracuse UP, 1997. E 184 .J5 B552 1997

Levy, B. H. Savannah's Old Jewish Community Cemeteries. Macon, Ga.: Mercer UP, 1983. Includes short genealogies and biographies. F 294 .S2 L47 1983

Pool, David De Sola. Portraits Etched in Stone: Early Jewish Settlers, 1682-1831. New York: Columbia UP, 1952. Tombstones of the early Jewish cemeteries of New York City, including Chatham Square. Includes epitaph transcriptions with English translations and biographical commentary, genealogical tables of 3 prominent families, index, and cemetery maps. Reading Room F 128.9 .J5 P66 1952

Reznikoff, Charles, and Engelman, Uriah Zevi. The Jews of Charleston: A History of an American Jewish Community. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1950. BM 225 .C4 R48 1950 Cardozo

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