Faiguenboim, Guilherme, Valadares, Paulo, and Campagnano, Anna Rosa. Dicionário Sefaradi De Sobrenomes [Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames]. Rio De Janeiro: Fraiha, 2003. In Spanish. Entries include references to family history sources.
Genealogy Institute CS 3010 .F35 2003 *
* For additional Sephardic name resources, please see our Jewish Names research guide.
Malka, Jeffrey S. Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World. 2nd Ed. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2009.
Genealogy Institute CS 66 .J4 M35 2009
Tagger, Mathilde A., and Kerem, Yitzchak. Guidebook for Sephardic and Oriental Genealogical Sources in Israel. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2006.
Genealogy Institute CS 21 .T34 2006
Lévy, Joseph Josy, Eliany, Marc, and Elkouby, Josué. Dictionnaire Biographique Du Monde Juif Sépharade Et Méditérranéen [Biographical Dictionary of the Sephardic Jewish World and the Mediterranean]. Côte-St-Luc, Québec: Éditions Élysée, 2001. In French. Includes profiles of rabbis, scholars, scientists, artists, writers, dignitaries, and leaders. Reading Room DS 135 .M43 L48 2001
Shimoni, Yaacov. Biographical Dictionary of the Middle East. New York: Facts on File, 1991. DS 62.4 .S53 1991
Stillman, Norman A., and Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip Isaac. Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2010. 5 volumes. DS 135 .L4
Ṿanunu, Shimʻon. Entsiḳlopedyah Arze Ha-Levanon: Entsiḳlopedyah Le-toldot Geʾone ṿe-ḥakhme Yahadut Sefarad ṿeha-Mizraḥ [Encylcopedia of Sephardic Rabbis and Scholars]. Yerushalayim: Hotsaʾah Le-or ṿe-hafatsah Yefeh Nof-Y. Pozen, 2006. 4 volumes. In Hebrew. BM 750 .V376 2006 CIN=RCB*
* For additional biographical resources on Sephardic rabbis, please see our Rabbinical Genealogy guide.
Costa, Isaäc Da, Brewster, Bertram, and Roth, Cecil. Noble Families among the Sephardic Jews. London: Oxford UP, H. Milford, 1936. Focuses on the Capadose and Silva families in Spain and Portugal; includes genealogical tables. DS 135 .S7 C6 1936
Jackson, Stanley. The Sassoons. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1968. Contains genealogical tables, illustrations, and a bibliography. CS 439 .S22
Stern, Malcolm H. First American Jewish Families: 600 Genealogies, 1654-1988. 3rd Ed. Baltimore: Ottenheimer, 1991. Includes many Sephardi families. Reading Room CS59.S76 1991*
* The American Jewish Archives has developed a searchable database of names found in this book.
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