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Subject Guide: American Yiddish Press

William Gropper Papers. RG 1290 Box 1. YIVO

William Gropper illustration of man carrying issues of Morgn Frayhayt in front of a garment building in New York City

Library Highlights

The American Yiddish Daily Press Reaction to the Rise of Nazism, 1930-1933 / by Charles Cutter. Thesis (Ph.D.)-- The Ohio State University, 1979.

Bad Rabbi: and Other Strange but True Stories from the Yiddish Press / Eddy Portnoy. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2017.

Catalogue of the Exhibition One Hundred Years of the Yiddish Press in America, 1870-1970 / compiled by Z. Szajkowski. New York: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 1970.

Louis Miller and Di Warheit ("The Truth"): Yiddishism, Zionism and Socialism in New York, 1905-1915 / Ehud Manor. Brighton, England: Sussex Academic Press, 2012.

The Rise and Decline of the Yiddish-American Press / S.J. Weissberger. Thesis(Ph. D.)--Syracuse University, 1972.

Studies in History of the Yiddish Press in America / ed. Jacob Shatzky. New York: Yiddish Culture Society, 1934.

Words to the Wives: The Jewish press, Immigrant Women, and Identity Construction, 1895-1925 / Shelby Alan. Shapiro. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Maryland, College Park, 2009.

The Yiddish Press: An Americanizing Agency / Mordecai Soltes. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1950.

Library Highlights [Yiddish]

Di Anṭshṭeyung Fun Forṿerṭs: Un Zayn Ḳamf Miṭn Abendblaṭ: 1893-1902: Zikhroynes̀ / Yaakov Milch. Aroysgegebn Fun Dem Meḥaber, 1936. [Digitized]

Finf un zibetsiḳ yor yidishe prese in Ameriḳe, 1870-1945 / redaḳtsye: Yaʻakov Glaṭshṭeyn, Sh. Niger [pseud.] [un] Hilel Rogof. Nyu Yorḳ Y. L. Perets shrayber fareyn, 1945.

Idish Lebn in Ameriḳe Un Di Rol Fun Der "Morgn-Frayhayṭ" / P. NoṿIḳ. Morgn-Frayhayṭ, 1957.

Ḳaṭalog Fun Der OysshṭElung Hunderṭ Yor Yidishe Prese in Ameriḳe: 1870-1970 / Tsunoyfgeshṭ Elṭ Durkh Z. ShayḳOṿSḳi. Yiṿo, 1970.

Ṿos far a tsayṭung darfṭ ir leyenen: "Forṿerṭs", "Ṭog", "Morgn-zshurnal" oder "Morgn-frayhayṭ"? / Nyu-Yorḳ : Morgn-frayhayṭ, 193-? [Digitized]

Yidishe Bleṭer in Ameriḳe: a tsushṭayer tsu der 75 yoriḳer geshikhṭe fun der Yidisher prese in di Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn un Ḳanade / fun Y. Ḥayḳin. New York: M. Sh. Shḳlarsḳi, 1946.

Jewish Daily Forward (The Forward), 1983-2004. RG 1952. YIVO.

Forverts / The Forward

A Bintel Brief: Love and Longing in Old New York / Liana Finck. New York, NY: Ecco, 2014.

Forward: The Jewish Daily Forward (Forverts) Newspaper: Immigrants, Socialism and Jewish Politics in New York, 1890-1917 / Ehud Manor. Brighton, England: Sussex Academic Press, 2009.

Grandma Never Lived in America: The New Journalism of Abraham Cahan / edited, with an introduction, by Moses Rischin. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985.

Have I Got a Story for You: More than a Century of Fiction from the Forward / edited by Ezra Glinter; introduction by Dara Horn. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2017.

How to Become Jewish Americans?: The "A Bintel Brief" Advice Column in Abraham Cahan's Yiddish Forverts / Magdalena Ewa Bier. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015.

A Living Lens: Photographs of Jewish Life from the Pages of the Forward / Alana Newhouse, editor; Chana Pollack, archivist. New York: Forward Books: W. W. Norton & Co., 2007.

The Newspaper Novel in the Jewish Daily Forward, 1900-1940: Fiction as Entertainment and Serious Literature / Ellen Deborah Kellman. 2001.

The Rise of Abraham Cahan / Seth Lipsky. New York: Nextbook/Schocken, 2013.

Type Faces: Borders and Initials Used by the Jewish Daily Forward / Jewish Daily Forward. New York: Jewish Daily Forward, n.d.

The Boston Jewish Voice. Reel 1 MK 272.1/RG 129. YIVO