Search the collections at the Center for Jewish History
Center for Jewish History: General Information
Lillian Goldman Reading Room
Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute
Holocaust Documents and Survivor Lists:
World Jewish Congress. Hungarian Section, and Jewish Agency for Palestine, Statistical Search Department. Counted Remnant: Register of the Jewish Survivors in Budapest. Budapest: World Jewish Congress; Jewish Agency for Palestine, 1945. Alphabetical list includes birth date and place, mother’s name, and address at time of publication. Volume I (A-F), Volume II (G-K), Volume III (L-R), Volume IV (S-Z).
Bar Shaked, Gavriel. Nevek = Shemot = Names. New York: Beate and Serge Klarsfeld Foundation, 1991. This series of publications is the result of an effort to document the names and fates of Hungarian Jewry. Each item in the series contains different personal information, determined by the archival sources upon which its listings are based, together with a relevant "Guide" (a key to its listings) and introductions in English, Hebrew and Hungarian.
•Volume 1 – Hajdu - Names and data concerning Jews deported from Hajdu county
•Volumes 2-3 – Names of the Jewish victims of the Hungarian Labour Battalions
•Volume 4 – Hungarian Jewish Women in the Stutthof Concentration Camp
•Volume 5 – Zala County
•Volume 6 – Bekes County
•Volume 7 – Ugocsa County
•Volume 8 – Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok County
•Volume 9, 11 – Mauthausen Concentration Camp
•Volume 10 – Bihar County
Holocaust Documents and Survivor Lists:
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Collection. 1929-1949. Print and microfilm. A small portion of this collection includes Italian case files of the JDC, dating from 1944 to 1945 and concerning the attempts of displaced persons to contact friends and relatives and to emigrate. Access to the materials in this collection only will be granted to users who can demonstrate a legitimate research need. Please submit requests to view any folder in this collection via email to
NOTE: The JDC has some of their records digitized and available online. A catalog entry and a finding aid with links to digital objects are available in the Catalog. Please see their listing under Internet Resources below.
Leo Baeck Institute AR 7196; Also available on Microfilm MF 488
Displaced Persons Camps & Centers in Italy. DP Camps in Italy 1945-1950. Following the end of World War II, up to the time of the Displaced Persons Act, Italy was the principal transit country for Jewish DP's who wished to leave Europe and settle in Palestine. This collection includes lists of DP's and search lists of relatives.
YIVO Archives Record Group 294.3
Organizzazione del Prefughi Ebrei in Italia. Ufficio di Statistica e D'informazioni. Jewish Refugees in Italy = Sheʼerit Ha-Peleṭah Be-Iṭalyah. Rome: Office for Statistics and Information at the Organization of Jewish Refugees in Italy [Ha-Miśrad Li-Sṭaṭisṭiḳah Ṿe-Informatsyah ʻal Yad Irgun Ha-Peliṭim Be-Iṭalyah], 1946. Alphabetical listing includes name, place and date of birth, father’s and mother’s first names.
YIVO Library 000022773 Also available on Microfilm 1996-Y-1537.31.1.3(9)
Picciotto Fargion, Liliana, and Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea. Il Libro della Memoria : Gli Ebrei Deportati Dall'Italia (1943-1945). Milano: Mursia, 2002.
Internet Resources:
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) In addition to the resources available for viewing at the CJH, the JDC’s website has a searchable Names Index. It is possible to search the 500,000 names found in their historic documents and survivor lists.
Databases of the Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea (Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation)
Names of the Italian Shoah: Memorial to the Victims of 1943 - 1945 Anti-Jewish Persecution
The database contains information about the fate of more than 7,000 Italian and foreign Jews deported from Italy and about 2,000 Italian and foreign Jews deported from the Aegean Islands. To view an English-language version, click here.
Names of Foreign Jews Interned in Italy 1940-1943
This database contains information about the fate of more than 9,000 foreign Jews, predominantly from Germany, Poland, and Central Europe, who were interned in Italy following its entry into World War II in June 1940. Click here to access the database. The results are in Italian.
Holocaust Documents and Survivor Lists:
World Jewish Congress. Swedish Section. List of Jews Residing in Riga: This List Was Brought from Riga by Redactor Wafe Goldberg (New York) Received at His Visit in Russia. [Stockholm]. Alphabetical list includes birth date, father’s name and address at time of publication.
YIVO Library 000022777C Also Available on Microfilm: Y-95-1537-11 (reel no. 4)
Testimonies in Print:
Leib Koniuchowsky 1945-1950. 1,700 pages of testimonies, written down in continuous narrative, but geographically organized. The testimonies were taken by Koniuchowsky following WWII from about 200 survivors from over 170 localities in Lithuania. The text is in Yiddish, arranged by geographic district, and there is a full English translation. Both are typed.
YIVO Archives Record Group 1390
Internet Resources:
Holocaust Atlas of Lithuania
This is a project of the Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, and it holds a wealth of information about the various holocaust-related events in the towns and shtetls of Lithuania. To search the database, click here.
Holocaust Documents and Survivor Lists:
Joodsche Coördinatie-Commissie voor het Bevrijde Nederlandsche Gebied. Centraal Registratieburean voor Joden.Alphabetische Lijst van zich in Nederland Bevindende Joden. Eindhoven: Centraal Registratiebureau voor Joden, 1945. In Dutch. Includes birth date, new address and previous address.
Service d'Evacuation et de Regroupement des Enfants et Familles Juifs S.E.R. Bruxelles. Premiere Liste des Juifs Liberes. Bruxelles. Dutch Jews in various countries. Includes birth date, address at time of publication.
Hans Bloemendal. In Memoriam = Le-zekher. Den Haag: Sdu Uitgeverij Koninginnegracht, 1995. A list of 104,000 Jewish and Dutch people who did not survive the Holocaust.
Genealogy Institute DS 135.N4 15 1995
NOTE: It is also possible to browse The Jewish Monument, an online site that commemorates these 104,000 Dutch Jews. Every victim of the Holocaust who was murdered is memorialized with a personal profile.
Territorial Collection. Territorial Collection (non-U.S.). Includes historical documents relating to Jews in Holland before and during the Holocaust. Included as well are lists of 453 names of people sent to Westerbork and 300 names from the Monowitz and Birkenau concentration camps. Additionally, there are names of people who were allowed to emigrate to Palestine.