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Subject Guide: Youth Movements

Archival and library highlights found at the Center relating to the historical impact of youth groups and movements on the changing socio-political Jewish experience.

Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry "Run for Freedom" Event at Columbia University Library, 1982 (I-338, AJHS)

Archival Highlights

Jewish Student Organization Collections (I-61)

The Jewish Student Organizations collection consists of publications from Jewish student and youth groups spanning the 20th century. However, the bulk of the collection contains publications from the 1960s through the 1980s. Most publications were produced by Jewish groups on individual campuses, although some inter-campus and non-college, community youth publications are included. Select materials include publications by United Synagogue Youth, Habonim Labor Zionist Youth in New York, and Young Judaea.

Label A. Katz Papers (P-92)

The Label A. Katz Papers are largely composed of materials generated while Label Katz served in leadership positions with B’nai B’rith from the 1950s through the 1960s. Best represented is his tenure as president of B’nai B’rith International between 1959 and 1965, during which time Katz concentrated on challenges faced by Soviet Jews and on the improvement of Jewish education. Materials consist of correspondence, speeches, clippings, photographs, minutes and reports.

Lights in Action Records (I-560)

Lights in Action (LIA) was a network of students dedicated to inspiring Jewish pride and unity among college students. LIA student activists designed, created, and distributed Jewish/Zionist literature that reached approximately 100,000 students on over 120 campuses. In addition, LIA designed and coordinated national student projects like Shabbat Leumit, a guide to lead students across North America through the rituals during Shabbat.

North American Jewish Students Appeal Records (I-338 and I-338A)

The records of the North American Jewish Students Appeal (NAJSA or APPEAL) contains documents on two levels of concern: those documents dealing with the NAJSA as a student-run organization promoting Jewish identity among college-aged youth; and those documents dealing with the APPEAL as a fundraising organization for several well-known student constituent organizations.

Young Judea Records in the Hadassah Archives (I-576/RG 8)

Young Judaea is the oldest Zionist youth organization in the United States, established as a national organization in 1909 by the Federation of American Zionists. It was supported by Hadassah, including direct financial sponsorship from 1967-2011. This collection consists of correspondence, office memos, educational program material, meeting minutes of various committees, manuals, newsletters, news clippings, pamphlets and brochures, financial and legal materials, song books, yearbooks, and official constitutions and bylaws. The topics covered include clubs, camps, Israel programs and Hadassah’s relationship with the Zionist Organization of America and local Zionist Youth Commissions that at various times sponsored and funded various Young Judaea clubs and camps.

Library Highlights

Dealing in futures : the story of a Jewish youth movement / by Max F. Baer.Washington, D.C. : B'nai B'rith International, 1983.

The Labor Zionist youth movement : from Eastern Europe to America (1900s-1940s) / Aviva Sklare. Senior honors thesis--Brandeis University.

Youth movements, past and present. / Edited by Max Mader and Yehuda Riemer. Tel Aviv : Ichud Habonim, 1964.