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Subject Guide: Education

Girls Learning in a Classroom. [Cir 1934] 2009.555 Yeshiva University Museum.

Black and white photo of a classroom of girls seating writing in notebooks as an instructor helping two students

Library Materials

American Jewish Historical Society

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Colodner, Solomon. Classroom Management : A Practical Manual and Guide for Teachers in Jewish Schools. New York: Jewish Education Press, 1966.

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Wertheimer, Jack. Family Matters : Jewish Education in an Age of Choice. Brandeis Series in American Jewish History, Culture, and Life. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 2007.

Wurgaft, Benjamin Aldes. Jews at Williams : Inclusion, Exclusion, and Class at a New England Liberal Arts College. 2013.


American Sephardi Federation

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Center for Jewish History

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Leo Baeck Institute

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Totten, Samuel, and Feinberg, Stephen. Essentials of Holocaust Education : Fundamental Issues and Approaches. First ed. 2016.


YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Albarelli, Gerry. Teacha! : Stories from a Yeshiva. Thetford, VT: Glad Day Books, 2000.

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Fader, Ayala. Mitzvah Girls : Bringing up the next Generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.

Freidenreich, Fradle. Passionate Pioneers: The Story of Yiddish Secular Education in North America, 1910-1960; Foreword by Jonathan D. Sarna. Teaneck, NJ: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 2010.

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