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Subject Guide: American Midwest

Visiting the Reading Room

Several researchers at desks in a library reading room setting

Making Appointments

Appointments are recommended for the Reading Room, though walk-ins are permitted. You may schedule appointments (at least 3 days in advance) by clicking on the “Appointments” tab in your research account. You can register for or sign into your existing account here.

To make an appointment, click on “Appointments,” then “New Appointment.” They may be scheduled for a minimum of 3 hours, beginning any time between 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. Click into an available date on the calendar, select your appointment length and time, and click “Create appointment.” For research materials to be ready for you when you arrive, you must link requests with your appointment.

If you have any problems creating appointments or materials requests, please contact

A Note on Personal Items

We know everyone has essential items they like to have with them at all times. In the Reading Room, however, we also need to make sure that our materials are safe and secure. To that end, we provide a space to check your personal belongings on the 1st floor of our building. We also provide clear plastic bags so that you still have quick access to those essential items.

Items that are welcomed:

  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Laptops without the cases
  • Cell phones (on vibrate or silent)
  • Digital cameras and tablets

Items that should be left at home or with our 1st floor coat check:

  • Coats
  • Food or beverages
  • Pens
  • Bags or purses
  • Folders, binders, laptop cases
  • Strollers

Young children must be supervised at all times by a parent/adult and must be able to understand and obey all rules of the Reading Room.

Middle and High School students are encouraged to use the materials at the Center for their research needs. We request a school photo ID on the day of their visit to comply with the rules for issuance of a Reading Room pass. Students without a photo ID for admittance must be accompanied by an adult with appropriate identification.