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Subject Guide: American Midwest

Photographs. Ernst Traugott Rosenzweig Collection, AR 25719. LBI.

Car door slightly ajar that reads, Bloomington High School Driver Training Car

Blog Posts

Jewish Summer Camping

Camp Ramah is perhaps the best-known denominational Jewish summer camp. The first Camp Ramah in Wisconsin opened in 1947. Today, there are 11 Ramah overnight camps, serving youth associated with the Conservative movement.

Kosher Food Production in the United States and the Manischewitz Empire

Manischewitz is one of the leading brands of Kosher products in the U.S., best known for their matzo and wine. The company was founded in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1888 by Rabbi Dov Ber Manischewitz. As the business and the demand for kosher certified products grew, the company built a second production site in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1932, to better serve the Jewish community in the New York metropolitan area.

Online Resources

The Detroit Jewish News Digital Archives

Digital Archives for the Detroit Jewish News 1942-2022 and Detroit Jewish Chronicle 1916-1951.

Jewish Historical Press

Includes digitized newspapers from the Midwest such as The Detroit Jewish ChronicleDer Yidisher Reḳord, and The Indiana Jewish Post and Opinion⁩⁩, among others.

Jewish Museum Milwaukee

The Jewish Museum Milwaukee is dedicated to preserving and presenting the history of the Jewish people in Wisconsin and celebrating the continuum of Jewish heritage and culture.

Upper Midwest Jewish Archives

The Upper Midwest Jewish Archives collects and makes available materials documenting the lives of Jewish communities in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and western Wisconsin. The collections document the lives of Upper Midwest Jewish communities from the mid-19th century to the present. Online resources include digitized material, finding aids, and interactive History of Minnesota Synagogues and North Minneapolis maps.