Search the collections at the Center for Jewish History
Center for Jewish History: General Information
Lillian Goldman Reading Room
Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute
Etsi: Journal of Sephardic genealogy [French, English] Genealogy Institute CS956.J4 E87
Faiguenboim, Guilherme, Valadares, Paulo, and Campagnano, Anna. Dicionário Sefaradi de Sobrenomes. (Sao Paulo, Fraiha, 2003) Genealogy Institute CS3010 .F35 2003 [English, Portuguese]
Gandhi, Maneka. The Complete Book of Muslim and Parsi Names. New Delhi: Indus, 1994. REF CS2970 .G36 1994
Landshut, Siegfried. Jewish Communities in the Muslim countries of the Middle East: a survey prepared for the American-Jewish Committee and the Anglo-Jewish Association. ASF DS135 .L4 L36 1950
Malka, Jeffrey S. Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and their World. (Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2009) Genealogy Institute CS66.J4 M35 2009
Milgrom, Genie. How I Found My 15 Grandmothers. (Lexington, KY: G. Milgrom, 2014) ASF CS 66 .J4 M58 2014
Tagger, Mathilde and Kerem, Yitzchak. Guidebook for Sephardic and Oriental Genealogical Sources in Israel. Bergenfield, New Jersey: Avotaynu, 2006. Genealogy Institute CS21 .T34 2006
see our separate Research Guide
Sarner, Harvey et al. The Jews of Albania. (Brunswick Press, c.1992) YIVO 000089844
Kotani, Apostol. The Hebrews in Albania during centuries. (Dituria, 1996) YIVO 000117762
List of Immigration Records held at the National Archives of Brazil by Port [Portuguese]
Database of registration books (1882-1958) of two major Sao Paulo immigration stations (Hospedaria dos Imigrantes), Hostels Bras and its predecessor Hostal Buen Retiro, which received more than 2 million immigrants (from the State Archive of Sao Paulo). [Portuguese]
Database of passenger arrival lists for Port of Rio de Janiero, 1885-1891 (from the National Archives of Brazil). [Portuguese] – Search / “Consulta”
Geracoes/Brasil, the Journal of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Brazil (1995-1998).
Genealogy Institute CS300 .G47
Samuel Oppenheim Collection. Samuel Oppenheim’s research notes about Colonial American and Brazilian Jewry, from court records, synagogue records, and the records of the Dutch West India Company. The collection is housed in 42 boxes; the finding aid contains sections on individuals (alphabetical by surname), groups, and localities. AJHS P-255
Mello, Jose Antonio. Gente da nação: Cristaos-Novos e judeus em Pernambuco, 1542-1645 (Editora Massangana, 1989).
Wiznitzer, Arnold. The Records of the Earliest Jewish Community in the New World (Kahal Kodesh Sur Israel of Recife and Magen Abraham of Mauricia, Brazil) (AJHS, 1954). "Translation of the Minute book of the Congregations Zur Israel of Recife and Magen Abraham of Mauricia, Brazil, 1648-1653" (p. 58-91). Illustrations, portraits, maps, facsimiles. Foreword by Salo W. Baron.
Wolff, Egon. Dictionario Biographico. (Instituto Historico e Geographico Brasileiro, 1986-1992), 7 volumes. [Portuguese]
Vol. 1 Judizantes e Judeus no Brazil, 1500-1808. Biographies of Jews and converts
Vol. 2 Judeus no Brazil, 19th century. Biographies
Vol. 3 Testamentos e Inventarios, 1684-1934. Wills and Inventories of estates
Vol. 4 Processos de Naturalizacaos de Israelitas. 19th century naturalization records
Vol. 5 Judaismo e Judues na Bibliagrafia em Lingua Portuguesa. Bibliography of
Portugese publications on Judaism
Vol. 6 Geneologias Judaicas. Genealogies of Brazilian Jewish families
Vol. 7 Processos de Inquisicao de Lisboa. Records of the Inquisition of Lisbon,
including the date of the auto-de-fe, name of person, crime, and sentence.
Wolff, Egon and Frieda. O Cristao-Novo na obra De Carlos (Instituto Historico e Geographico Brasileiro, 1990). Biographical descriptions of New Christians, converted from Judaism, in the 16th and 17th Century, including historical sketches of the first families of Rio De Janiero. [Portuguese] AJHS F2646.9.J4 W65
see our separate Research Guide
Ristaino, Marcia R. Port of Last Resort: Diaspora Communities of Shanghai. (Stanford University Press, 2001)
Includes an index of organizations and biographical information.
Meyer, Maisie J. From the Rivers of Babylon to the Whangpoo : A Century of Sephardi Jewish Life in Shanghai. (University Press of America, 2003) ASF DS135.C5 M49 2003
General history of Baghdadi Jews in Shanghai with some institutional and biographical information.
China - Unusual Resources for Family Research, JRI-Poland -
Shanghai Polish Consular Records, JRI-Poland -
JewishGen KehilaLinks: Harbin -
Caribbean Genealogy Library (St. Thomas): Collections include Caribbean Jewish family genealogies and census, immigration, and cemetery records. Website contains St. Thomas & St. John cemetery database.
Barbados Jewish Community Collection. Records from Congregation Nidḥe Israel (Hebrew: בית הכנסת נדחי ישראל) and an index of names and ages from a 1715 census of Barbados. AJHS I-139
Curaçao Jewish Community Collection. In addition to congregational records, this collection includes births, 1723-1891; deaths 1883-1912; and lists of community members. AJHS I-112
Emmanuel, Isaac Samuel. Precious Stones of the Jews of Curaçao. (Bloch, 1957) AJHS F2049 .E55
Emmanuel, Isaac Samuel. History of the Jews of the Netherlands Antilles (2 volumes). (American Jewish Archives, 1970) REF F2049 .E44 1970
Mongui Maduro Museum Library (Curaçao): documentation (including documents, books, manuscripts, archivalia and periodicals) on the history of the Jewish community in Curaçao forms a major section of the library.
Barnett, Richard and Wright, Philip. The Jews of Jamaica: Tombstone Inscriptions 1663-1880 (Ben Zvi Institute, 1997).
Jamaican Family Search Jewish Records: indexes of bmd, cemetery records, etc.
Barnett, Lionel, ed. Bevis Marks records: being contributions of the history of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation of London (London, 1940-49). Part II includes abstracts of ketubot (marriage contracts) from earliest times until 1837, with index. Part III includes abstracts of ketubot and civil marriage registers for 1837-1901. AJHS BM295.C7 A3
Hamburg Staatsarchiv Jewish Community Collection: Includes copies of Sephardic gravestone inscriptions in Altona, Gluckstadt and Emden; a 1696 index of marriage contracts of the Sephardim in Hamburg; and a German translation of the minute book of the Sephardic Beth Israel congregation. LBI Archives MF 77, microfilm.
Jacob Jacobson Collection: 18th and 19th century records from the Jewish community of Altona, including the minute book of the burial society of Sephardic Congregation Neve Shalom. LBI Archives AR 7002.
Jewish Community Collection of Salonika, 1910-1939. Includes population registration books with records of vital statistics, 1920-1939 and lists of Salonika Jews, ca 1939. YIVO Archives RG 207
Rhodes Jewish Museum: website includes digitized family trees and tombstones. :
The Archive of Joseph Siakkis at the Hellenic Library and Historical Archives in Thessaloniki has a few online resources on Greek Jewry [in Greek]: :
Alphabetical index of names of Greek Jews
List of names of Greek Jews who were deported by the Germans to concentration camps
Biographical Dictionary of Greek Jews
India & Pakistan
Aronowitz, Haim. Hodu u-Paḳisṭan. (ha-Histadrut, ha-Merkaz le-tarbut ule-hasbarah, 1952)
Ezra, Esmond David. Turning Back the Pages: Chronicle of Calcutta Jewry. (Brookside Press, 1986)
Isenberg, Shirley Berry. India's Bene Israel: A Comprehensive Inquiry and Sourcebook. (J.L. Magnes Museum, c. 1988)
YIVO 000084019 ASF DS135 .I6 I79 1988
Toledano, Pinchas B. The Bene Israel of India. (Society of Heshaim, Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation, c. 2002)
ASF DS135 .I6 T64 2002 AJHS DS135.I6 T66 2002
Silliman , Jael M. Jewish portraits, Indian frames: women's narratives from a diaspora of hope. (Seagull Books, 2001)
Recalling Jewish Calcutta, a website of historical information, online exhibits, references to archives and contact information, organized by Jael Silliman
Iran & Afghanistan
Robinson, Nehemiah. Persia and Afghanistan and their Jewish communities. (Institute of Jewish Affairs World Jewish Congress, 1953) YIVO 000070022
Haddad, Ezra. Avne-derekh : le-toldot ha-Yehudim be-Bavel-ʻIraḳ. (Irgun yotsʾe ʻIraḳ be-Yiśraʾel, 1970)
Kazzaz, Nissim. Sofah shel golah. (Merkaz moreshet Yahadut Bavel, 2002) ASF DS135.I7 K39 2002
Saadoun, Haim. ʻIraḳ : ḳehilot Yiśraʾel ba-Mizraḥ ba-meʾot ha-teshaʻ-ʻeśreh ṿeha-ʻeśrim. (Ben Tzvi Inst., c.2002)
The Iraqi Jewish Archive, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration: : [Arabic; some English and Hebrew]
Roth, Cecil. The History of the Jews of Italy. (JPSFA, 1946) LBI DS 135 I_8 R6 YIVO 000022851
Stille, Alexander. Benevolence and Betrayal: Five Italian Jewish Families under Fascism. (Summit, 1993)
Jewish Genealogy in Italy -
Yona, Mordechai. Entsiḳlopedyah shel Yehude Kurdistan. (Mordekhai Yonah, c.2003) ASF DS135.K8 Y66 2003
Ben-Jacob, Abraham. Ḳehilot Yehude Kurdistan. (Mekhon Ben-Tsevi, 1961) ASF DS135.R93 K78 1961
see our separate Research Guide
Belinfante, Judith C., et al. The Esnoga: A Monument to Portuguese-Jewish Culture. (D’ARTS, 1991).
Bodian, Miriam. Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation: Conversos and Community in Early Modern Amsterdam. (Indiana University Press, 1997). ASF DS135 .N5 A5323 1997 YIVO 00090959
Verdooner, D., and Snel, H.J.W. Handleiding bij de index op de Ketuboth van de Portugees-Israelietische Gemeente te Amsterdam van 1650-1911. ASF DS135 .N5 A7 1990
Akevoth: Dutch Jewish Genealogical Society Databases -
Netherlands Society for Jewish Genealogy -
Netherlands Central Bureau for Genealogy -
City Archives of Amsterdam: civil birth and marriage records, congregation membership lists, personal papers, and organizational records – many records digitized at
Hague Municipal Archives: digitized documents on demand
North Africa
Abensur, Philip. Noms des juifs du Maroc: Moroccan Jewish Surnames. A surname index to Abraham Laredo’s Les Noms des Juifs du Maroc (Institute Arias Montano, 1978). (Avotaynu, c1994) Genealogy Institute CS3010 Microfiche
Attal, Robert. Registres Matrimoniaux de la Communaute Juive Portugaise de Tunis aux XVIIIe et XIXe Siecles (Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 1989). [French] REF ASF DS135 .T72 T863 1989
Dictionnaire biographique des rabbins et autres ministres du culte israélite: France et Algérie: du Grand Sanhédrin (1808) a la loide Séparation (1905). (Paris : Berg international, c2007).
ASF BM750 .D53 2007 ; YIVO REF BM750 D53 2007
Attal, Robert. Registre Matrimonial de la Communauté juive portugaise de Tunis (1843-1854). (=Marriage records of the Portuguese Jewish Community of Tunis. 1843-1854). Oriens Judaicus. (Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute, 2000). [French]
Toledano, Joseph. Une histoire de familles: les noms de famille juifs d’Afrique de Nord des origins à nos jours (Ramtol, 1998). [French] YIVO 00092990
see our separate Research Guide
Spain and Portugal
Abecassis, Jose Maria. Genealogia hebraica : Portugal e Gibraltar, scs. XVII a XX. 5 volumes of documented family trees, from the 17th to the 20th centuries. [Portuguese] REF DS135 .P7 A37 1990
Baron, Salo Wittmayer. Historia e Historiografia do Povo Judeu. (Editora Perspectiva, 1975) ASF DS102.5 .B32 1975
Costa, Isaac da. Noble Families Among the Sephardic Jews (London, 1936). AJHS DS135.S7 C6 ; ASF DS135. S7 C6
Gerber, Jane S. The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience. (Free Press, 1994). ASF DS135 .S7 G47 1994
Netanyahu, Ben Zion. The Origins of the Inquisition in fifteenth century Spain. (New York: Random House, 1995).
ASF BX1735 .N48 1995 ; YIVO 000087662
Roth, Cecil. A History of the Marranos. (Sepher-Hermon Press, 1992) ASF AJHS BM190 .R62 1992 ; YIVO 000012457
PARES: database of digitized and non-digitized records in Spain’s archives [Spanish]
National Archives of Portugal (Torre de Tombo) Digital Archives, includes records of the Tribunal of the Holy Office (Inquisition). :
Papers of Eli S. Malka.
Malka, Eli S. Jacob’s Children in the land of the Mahdi: Jews of the Sudan. (Syracuse University Press, 1997).
ASF REF DS135 .S85 M35 1997; YIVO 00090249
Sutton, David. Aleppo: city of scholars. (1st ed. Mesorah: 2005) ASF DS135.S95 S98 2005
JewishGen Database Marriages in Aleppo, Syria
Aleppo Brit Milah Database 1868-1945
Eulogies from Aleppo, Syria
Papers of Morris Tarragano. Compiled by Dr. Esther Fleischman and Randall C. Belinfante.
Istanbul Jewish Community: instructions on requesting marriage and burial records
Gavra, Moshe. Entsiḳlopedyah la-ḳehilot ha-Yehudiyot be-Teman. (Bene Berak, c.2004) ASF DS135.Y4 G36 2004
Saadoun, Haim. Teman. (Ben Tzvi Inst., c.2002) [Hebrew] ASF DS135.Y4 T46 2002
Gavra, Moshe. Entsiḳlopedyah le-ḥakhme Teman. (Bene Berak, c.2001) ASF BM750 .G27 2001