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Lillian Goldman Reading Room
Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute
In the stacks, there are numerous books on Galicia and Galician towns. Many of YIVO’s books are in Hebrew or Yiddish, and the majority of LBI’s are in German. These are just a few examples:
American Jewish Committee. The Jews in the Eastern War Zone (NY: American Jewish Committee, 1916). American Jewish Historical Society D 639 .J4 A5 or YIVO 000021744
Bader, Gershon. Medinah va-hakhameha: toldot kol ha-hakhamim veha-sofrim [Galician Jewish Celebrities] (NY, ha-Mimkar ha-rashi be-vet mishar ha-Sefarim ha-Le’umi, 1934). American Jewish Historical Society DS 135 .P62 G32 or YIVO 500760164
Caro, Ezechiel. Geschichte der Juden in Lemberg von den Aeltesten Zeiten bis zur Theilung Polens im Jahre 1792, aus Chroniken und Archivalischen Quellen (Lemberg, Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1894). Leo Baeck Institute DS 135 A92 L4 C3
Friedberg, Bernhard. Luhot zikaron: sefer kollel toldot rabbane ha-`ir Krakow, be-tseruf ha`atakot tsiyyune kivrotehem (Frankfurt-am-Main: Kauffmann, 1904). Leo Baeck Institute DS 135 P63 A1 F and YIVO וו/16/ו־ ל 36
Friedman, Philip. Die Galizischen Juden im Kampfe um ihre Gleichberechtigung (1848-1868) (Frankfurt-am-Main: J. Kauffmann Verlag, 1929). Leo Baeck Institute DS 135 P62 G325 and YIVO 000127345
Greenspan, Sol. Yidn in Plotsk [Jews in Plock] (NY: A & H Printing and Publishing Corp., 1960). American Jewish Historical Society DS 135 .P2 P56 or YIVO Memorial Books Collection Plock 1960
Gundacker, Felix. Historisches Ortsverzeichnis des Königreiches Galizien und es [i.e. des] Herzogtums Bukowina [Gazetteer of the Former Galicia & Bukowina] (Wien: F. Gundacker, 1998). YIVO 000107704
Migden, Carl Richard. The Migden Families from Tarnopol and Allied Families (Orlando, FL: C.R. Migden, 2001). YIVO 000106631
Miler, Sha'ul. Dobromil: Life in a Galician Shtetl, 1890-1907 (New York: Loewenthal Press, 1980). [English & Yiddish.] Leo Baeck Institute DS 135 A92 G3 M5
Reiss, Nathan M. Some Jewish Families of Hesse and Galicia (Highland Park, N.J.: Nathan M. Reiss, 2005). Leo Baeck Institute q 401
Schoenfeld, Joachim. Shtetl Memoirs: Jewish Life in Galicia under the Austro-Hungarian Empire and in the Reborn Poland 1898-1939 (Hoboken, NJ: Ktav Publishing House, 1985). YIVO 000080385
Tenenbaum, Joseph. Galitsiye, Meyn Alte Heym (Buenos Aires: Union Central Israelita Polaca el al Argentina, 1952). Leo Baeck Institute DS 135 P63 T35
Zucker, Nechemias. Gedenkbukh Galitsye [Libro Conmemorativo] (Buenos Aires: Farlag "Zikhronot", 1964). YIVO Memorial Books Collection Galicia 1964
When searching CJH’s online catalog, please be aware that crossreferencing of geographic names from one language to another is not consistent. For example, keyword searches for Lwow, Lvov and Lemberg (or Galicia, Galizien, and Galitsye) do not return identical results.
Alliance Israelite Universelle, 1868-1930s. RG 406. Contains many documents from the 1880s pertaining to Brody as an emigration transit point.
Berlin Collection, 1931-1945. RG 215. Includes schedules of transports to death camps, monthly propaganda reports on Galicia and Cracow districts 1942-43.
Eyewitness Accounts of the Holocaust Period, 1939-1945. RG 104. Includes a large number of accounts from Lvov.
Hersch Wasser Collection, 1939-1946. RG 225. Includes eyewitness accounts from Gorlice.
Territorial Collection, Poland 2, 1939-1945. RG 116-Poland 2. Includes materials on Cracow, Lvov, Stanislawow (Ivano-Frankivsk), and Tarnow.
Leo Baeck Institute
David Berger Collection, 1943-1993. AR 6471. Includes family histories of the Berger and Drimer families from Galicia.
Intrator: A Family History. AR 5483. History of the Intrator family from Galicia, Poland, and later in the U.S.
Kallir Family Collection, 1835-1943. AR 1520. Family documents (vital records, family trees, etc.).
Kraft Family Collection, Galicia. AR 5098. Genealogy written by Susan Kraft (1869).
Loewenthal Family, Buetzow. AR 7104. Includes history of Epstein Family, Lwow/Lemberg.
Memoir Collection:
Adele von Mises (nee Landau), ME 446 MM 55. Memoir written between 1929-31 in Vienna. Recollections of the author’s childhood in Brody. Her father, Fischl (Ephraim), founded the first orphanage in Galicia (1859). Has genealogy of the Nathanson/Kallir family and family history by her uncle, lawyer Joachim Landau (elected to the Austrian parliament).
Johanna Meta Schechter, ME 799 MM 131. Family life of ancestors in Galicia.
Phoebus Schmelkes, ME 571 MM 67. Memoirs, 1831-1905. Childhood in traditional Jewish atmosphere in Galicia, educational experiences.
Ulrich Skaller, ME 605 MM 72. Childhood in Galicia. History of Alexander, Goldstein, Perl, Skaller, Brandt, Ament, Kohl, Kalahora, and Lebenheim families in Galicia and Russia; contains family trees.
Samson Tyndel, ME 1281. Synopsis of published memoirs, including childhood recollections of life in Kolomea.
Roseman Family Collection. Online and AR 10576. Family trees of the Rosenman/Roseman family, and the descendants of Chana Axelrad.
Schluesselberg Family Collection, AR 11003 MF 841. Comprehensive collection of family trees, genealogical information, and photos.
Tenzer Family, Galicia. American Jewish Historical Society CS 71 .T35 and YIVO 000111863. Family tree (18th-20th cent.) including the Feiler and Zahl families.