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Subject Guide: Book Looting During the Holocaust

Archival and library collection highlights found at the Center related to the looting and destruction of Jewish books during the Holocaust, and later restitution efforts.

ERR Headquarters in Ratibor and Berlin, 260-PHOAD-III-16 and 260-PHOAD-III-17, NARA.


Library Materials

Billig, Joseph. Alfred Rosenberg Dans L'action idéologique : Politique Et Administrative Du Reich hitlérien / Inventaire commenté De La Collection De Documents conservés Au C.D.J.C., Provenant Des Archives Du Reichsleiter Et Ministre A.Rosenberg [Par] J.Billig. Éditions Du Centre, 1963.

Cecil, Robert. The Myth of the Master Race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi Ideology. B. T. Batsford, 1972.

Collins, Donald E. The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg and the Looting of Jewish and Masonic Libraries during World War II. Reprint from: Journal of library history v. 18 #1, winter 1983. 

Hoppe, Jens. Die Akten Des Einsatzstabes Reichsleiter Rosenberg : Ein Grundlagenprojekt Der Claims Conference Zur Provenienzforschung / Jens Hoppe. 2018.

Kühn-Ludewig, Maria. Johannes Pohl (1904-1960) : Judaist Und Bibliothekar Im Dienste Rosenbergs : Eine Biographische Dokumentation / Maria Kuehn-Ludewig. Laurentius, 2000.

Löhr, Hanns C. Kunst Als Waffe : Der Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg : Ideologie Und Kunstraub Im "Dritten Reich" / Hanns Christian Löhr. 2018.

Manasse, Peter M. Verschleppte Archive Und Bibliotheken : Die Tätigkeit Des Einsatzstabes Rosenberg während Des Zweiten Weltkrieges / Peter M. Manasse ; Übertragung Ins Deutsche, Georg A. Pippig. Röhrig, 1997.

Nova, Fritz. Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi Theorist of the Holocaust. Foreword by H. J. Eysenck, Introd. by Robert M. W. Kempner. Hippocrene Books, 1986.

Vries, Willem de. Sonderstab Musik : Music Confiscations by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg under the Nazi Occupation of Western Europe / Willem De Vries. Amsterdam University Press, 1996.

Online Resources

Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. “Roads to Ratibor: Library and Archival Plunder by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 19, no. 3 (Winter 2005): 390-458. doi:10.1093/hgs/dci041   

Cultural Plunder by the Einsatzstabes Reichsleiter Rosenberg 

Presented here are a series of interlocking, major complex projects that provide information on the location of the records of the ERR, access to images of many of those records, and research on specific items that were plundered. Attention also focuses on key records of postwar U.S., French, British, and Soviet agencies seeking to retrieve the ERR loot, providing improved access to a major component of the record of wartime plunder and retrieval of cultural loot.