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Subject Guide: Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates

Archival and library highlights found at the Center relating to Nobel Prize winners throughout history.

What To Expect When You Arrive at the Center

When you arrive at the Center

  1. When you first arrive at the Center, you are required to pass through a metal detector and security scan.
  2. After passing through security, please head to the Front Desk and let the staff know that you're here to do research in the Reading Room. 
  3. They will ask you for identification, take your photo, and give you a visitors pass.
  4. Did you bring a coat or a bag with you? Please proceed to the coat check to store your large items. You will receive a clear plastic bag to tote only your essential personal items and research tools. 
  5. Please use the elevator to the left of the Great Hall entrance to get to the Reading Room on the 3rd floor. 

When you arrive at the Reading Room

  1. Did you request and schedule to use materials ahead of your visit through If you did, please proceed directly into the Reading Room
  2. Stop by the reference desk so librarians can sign you in
  3. If you haven't requested the items you'd like to use yet, please follow these easy steps, using one of the public computers in the Genealogy Institute:

A Note on Personal Items

We know everyone has essential items they like to have with them at all times. In the Reading Room, however, we also need to make sure that our materials are safe and secure. To that end, we provide a space to check your personal belongings on the 1st floor of our building. We also provide clear plastic bags so that you still have quick access to those essential items.

Items that are welcomed:

  • Paper
  • Pencils
  • Laptops without the cases
  • Cell phones (on vibrate or silent)
  • Digital cameras and tablets

Items that should be left at home or with our 1st floor coat check:

  • Coats
  • Food or beverages
  • Pens
  • Bags or purses
  • Folders, binders, laptop cases
  • Strollers

Young children must be supervised at all times by a parent/adult and must be able to understand and obey all rules of the Reading Room.

Middle and High School students are encouraged to use the materials at the Center for their research needs. We request a school photo ID on the day of their visit to comply with the rules for issuance of a Reading Room pass. Students without a photo ID for admittance must be accompanied by an adult with appropriate identification.

Good Archives Etiquette

  • Please be courteous to your fellow researchers and the Reading Room staff
  • Materials need to be handled with care. If you're unsure of how to handle an item, please ask! We are happy to show you how best to hold and read materials
  • The Reading Room is a place of research, learning, and discovery. Please respect each other's concentration and focus:
    • Talking is allowed, but please keep conversation brief and volume low
    • Longer, louder conversations can be conducted in our adjoining Genealogy Institute or in the gallery area near the elevator
    • Keep phones on silent
  • Feel free to step away from your table to use the restroom, get a drink of water, answer your phone, or just stretch for a few minutes. Please be aware we are not responsible for your personal belongings. If you are leaving the building for an extended period of time, please return materials to librarians and let us know you will be returning and that you'd like to put your items on hold.