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Subject Guide: Holidays

Archival and library highlights found at the Center relating to major national and Jewish holidays

Sukkah by the synagogue Hemdat Israel (Compassion of Israel), Haydarpasha Quarter, Istanbul. ASF TS 29. American Sephardi Federation.

Interior of a sukkah, with leaves and fruits hanging from the ceiling and richly coloring fabric on the walls. A long table runs through the center.

Visual Materials & Museum Objects

Citron Wall (Sukkah hanging), 1997.046 [Item is digitized and available online]

Decorating the Sukkah at Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, Colorado, October 1952. I-337. B16.F015.0352 [Item is digitized and available online]

Etrog container, 1993.198 [Item is digitized and available online]

Greeting Card: family dining in Sukkah, 1988.178 [Item is digitized and available online]

Plate VII: Sukkot, Procession of the Palms and The Sukkot Meal. 78.65g [Item is digitized and available online]

From the book "Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde" (Religious ceremonies and customs of all the peoples of the world), Amsterdam : Chez J. F. Bernard, 1723-1743.

Photograph taken in sukkah, 1991.157 [Item is digitized and available online]

Scenes from the synagogue, drawn from life: 9. The Carrying of the Palm Branch and the Citrus Fruit at Sukkoth. 78.1834i  [Item is digitized and available online]

Scrap: man examining an etrog, 1999.238 [Item is digitized and available online]

The Sharon Sukkah, 2000.416 [Item is digitized and available online]

Sukkah Lining #1-41997.046 [Item is digitized and available online]

Sukkot. 1970.002 [Item is digitized and available online]

View of the inner courtyard during Sukkot. 79.552 [Item is digitized and available online]

Greeting Card: family dining in Sukkah. 1988.178. Yeshiva University Museum.

Colorful pop-up greeting card depicting a family eating inside a sukkah

Library Highlights

La fiesta judía de las Cabañas (Sukkot): interpretaciones midrásicas en la Biblia y en el judaísmo antiguo / Rafael Vicent. Estella, Navarra, España: Editorial Verbo Divino, 1995.

Maḥazor le-Sukot : ke-minhag Sefaradim / Śaloniḳo: Esṭamparyah ʻEts ha-ḥayim, 668 [1908]

Shake a palm branch: the story and meaning of Sukkot / by Miriam Chaikin; illustrated by Marvin Friedman. New York: Clarion Books, c1984.

The Succah: Ritual dwellings in the Jewish vernacular landscape / Jennifer Ann. Cousineau. Thesis (M.A.) Carleton University (Canada), 1997. [On-site Access only]

Sukkot, a time to rejoice / Malka Drucker; drawings by Brom Hoban. New York: Holiday House, c1982.

The Sukkot and Simhat Torah Anthology / Philip Goodman. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1973.

Scrap: Sukkot procession. 1988.175. Yeshiva University Museum