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Collection Guide: Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America

Overview of the individual archival collections and library materials found at the Center relating to the Hadassah organization and their activities.

Sewing room - making a dress, 1935 (RG 18, AJHS)

Collections Directly Related to Hadassah Record Groups

E Michael Bluestone Papers (P-362)

The E. Michael Bluestone Collection contains primarily the professional writings and correspondence of Michael Bluestone--one of the foremost authorities in the field of medical care and hospital administration--and his associates. Most of the materials in this collection are in bound volumes and scrapbooks arranged by E. Michael Bluestone.

Hadassah Magazine Photograph Collection (RG 2056)

2,500 photographs from the archives of Hadassah magazine.

Hadassah Magazine Touch of Honey Contest records (I-271)

The National Honey Board's 1993 recipe contest was held in conjunction with Hadassah magazine to celebrate the long tradition of honey in Jewish cooking. Collection consists of the Board's press releases, and recipes submitted by U.S. Hadassah chapters for dishes from Hadassah cookbooks in which honey is used as the primary sweetener

Henrietta Szold Letters (P-216)

Contains two manuscript letters to Florence N. Levy of New York about social life in Baltimore (1904), and one dealing with Miss Levy's contribution to a forthcoming American Jewish year book (1906); and a manuscript letter to Mrs. David W. Amram thanking her for her praise of the article, "Elements of the Jewish Population," which appeared in "The Russian Jew in the United States" (1905).

Kadimah Group of Hadassah (Brooklyn, N.Y.) Gilbert and Sullivan in Yiddish Musicals Collection (I-570)

Photographs, mementos, and album recordings of the Kadimah Group of Hadassah, Central Chapter, Brooklyn Region, documenting their performances in Yiddish of Gilbert and Sullivan’s musicals, Pirates of Penzance and H.M.S. Pinafore.

Lt. Col. Rachel Diane (Rae) Landy Papers (P-785)

Lt. Col. Rachel Diane (Rae) Landy was a nursing pioneer in the development of health services in Palestine under the auspices of Hadassah from 1913-1915, and served as a U.S. Army nurse in World War I through World War II. The collection documents hospital care in Palestine and the history of Hadassah; career women in the early 20th century, particularly military personnel and profession innovators; and the Cleveland, Ohio Jewish community, school system, and George Crile U.S. Army Hospital. Documents include correspondence, reminiscences, legal documents, newspaper and magazine clippings, and photographs.

Mamie Levitt Family Papers (P-1026)

The Mamie Levitt Family Papers reflect the professional and personal activities of Mamie Levitt and her active role in the Oklahoma City Jewish Community. She was a member of Young Judea and later became President of the Oklahoma City chapter of Hadassah, President of the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society, and Vice President of the local PTA. She eventually went on to serve on the board of the regional Southwest chapter of Hadassah from 1948-1951.

Records of the American Zionist Council (I-284)

This collection contains correspondence, memoranda, public statements, "press kits," press digests, reports, newsletters, pamphlets and program materials issued by a mainstream Zionist organization promoting the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, using political pressure, by legal means.

Seymour Halpern Papers (P-727)

The papers of Seymour Halpern reflect a wide range of issues including problems posed by Palestininan refugees, defeating Arab boycotts, cutting off foreign aid to the United Arab Republic and President Abdel Nasser of Egypt, denouncing U.S. arm shipments to Arab states, protesting Egyptian intervention in Yemen, responding to France's withdraw from NATO, celebrating Israel's anniversaries, supporting Hadassah, eulogizing J.F. Kennedy, assisting Jews in the Soviet Union, ratifying the Genocide Convention, working towards domestic immigration reform, urging the dispatch of an international peace-keeping force in South Vietnam, and establishing a U.S. Committee on Human Rights. Of particular interest is 1963 correspondence between Halpern and Richard M. Nixon regarding Nixon's visit to the United Arab Republic.