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Center for Jewish History: General Information
Lillian Goldman Reading Room
Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute
Routes to Roots Foundation, Inc.:
This site continually updates Miriam Weiner’s books on Poland, Ukraine, and Moldova. The database is searchable by town, listing records for towns in Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, and Ukraine. Contact information and web links, where available, are provided for archival repositories in all of these countries.
Ukraine Special Interest Group (SIG)
Romanian SIG (including Moldova and southern Ukraine)
Sub-Carpathia SIG (villages and towns now in Ukraine, but part of Hungary before 1918 and in Czechoslovakia between 1918 and 1939)
SIGs cover specific geographic regions. They sponsor e-mail discussion lists, publish newsletters, and maintain websites and databases.
Eastern Europe FAQ
This article provides an overview of the availability of records from Ukraine, and explains how to access them.
Jewish Gen Kehila:
These are web pages devoted to places in Ukraine where Jews have lived. They may contain information, pictures, databases, and links to other websites.
The Foundation for East European Family History Studies:
Information on Ukraine family history including commercial organizations carrying out family history research in Ukraine.
Museum of Family History:
This site is a virtual museum of jewish history, mostly Eastern Europe, and contains history, pictures, postcards, blog, etc.
Ukrainian Genealogical Society:
This site includes a bibliography of helpful books on Ukraine, as well as links to other general (not specifically Jewish) Ukrainian genealogy sites.