Search the collections at the Center for Jewish History
Search CJH’s online catalog for general histories, yizkor books, memoirs, diaries, photographs, and other materials on the Jews of Lithuania. Below is a selection of resources available at CJH.
1897 Census of the Jews of Lithuania (Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 2000). Microfiche. Genealogy Institute Avotaynu’s Microfiche Box
Aaron, Sam. A guide to Jewish genealogy in Lithuania. 2nd edition. London: Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain, 2011. Genealogy Institute CS879.6.A27 2011
Briedis, Laimonas. Vilnius: City of Strangers (Budapest & NY: CEU Press; Vilnius: Baltos Lankos, 2009). YIVO 000127410
Greenbaum, Masha. The Jews of Lithuania: A History of a Remarkable Community, 1316-1945 (Jerusalem: Gefen, 1995). Genealogy Institute DS 135 .L5 G73
Gustaitis, Rolandas. Jews of the Kaisiadorys Region of Lithuania (Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2010). Genealogy Institute DS 135 .L52 K374413 2010
Lithuanian Jewish Communities: Records 1844-1940, mostly 1919-1926. Records of communities outside Vilna. Miscellaneous communal records, including pinkasim (registers) of the communities, societies, and burial societies (mainly Kovno). Inventory in English and Yiddish. YIVO Archives RG 2
Rabbinical School and Teachers’ Seminary, Vilna: Records, 1847-1914. School records, 1847-1873. Lists of students, teachers, and officials; diplomas of teachers and students; teachers’ examination lists. Teachers’ Seminary records include teachers’ record books, lists of students, graduation certificates. Inventory in English and Yiddish. YIVO Archives RG 24
Rosin, Josef. Preserving Our Litvak Heritage (League City, TX: JewishGen, 2005-2006). Genealogy Institute DS 135 .L5 R67
Schoenburg, Nancy, and Schoenburg, Stuart. Lithuanian Jewish Communities. 1st Jason Aronson Inc. ed. Northvale, N.J.: Jason Aronson, 1996. Genealogy Institute DS135 .L5 S38 1996
Spector, Shmuel, and Bracha Freundlich. Lost Jewish Worlds: The Communities of Grodno, Lida, Olkienki, Vishay (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1996). YIVO 000089603
Vilna Jewish Community Council: Records 1800-1940. Incomplete records of the Kehillah, including list of taxpayers (1800-1844), lists of taxpayers and materials from the Hevra Kadisha (1844-1919), lists of candidates in Kehillah elections (1919-1940), vital records (birth, death, and marriage certificates) for 1909-1930, and lists of Jews in Vilna (1925, 1937). Inventory in English and Yiddish. These records are currently being recatalogued—permission from an archivist must be obtained before records can be accessed. Contact the YIVO Archives at (212) 246-6080. YIVO Archives RG 10
Yizkor Books: YIVO Library has a large collection of Yizkor books, including some from towns in Lithuania. Using the CJH online catalog’s Advanced Search, select YIVO (Repository), and then type the town name in one field and Yizkor OR “Memorial Book” in the second field.