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Subject Guide: Sports

Archival and library highlights found at the Center relating to sports events, movements, and athletes.

Men's field hockey game, undated. From the Martha Werner Collection (AR 7261). LBI.

Jewish Sports History (General)

Emancipation through muscles: Jews and sports in Europe / edited by Michael Brenner and Gideon Reuveni. University of Nebraska Press, 2006.

Pictorial history of American sports : Colonial times to the present / by John Durant and Otto Bettmann. A.S. Barnes, 1952.

ha-Sporṭ ha-Yehudi be-Germanyah ha-Natsit bi-reʼi ha-ʻitonut ha-Yehudit ha-Germanit = Jewish sports in Nazi Germany as reflected in the German-Jewish press / by Daniyel Frenḳel. Yad ṿa-shem, 2016.

Judaism's encounter with American sports / by Jeffrey S. Gurock. Indiana University Press, 2005.

Marty Glickman : the life of an American Jewish sports legend / by Jeffrey S. Gurock. Washington Mews Books, 2023.

Jews, sports, and the rites of citizenship / edited by Jack Kugelmass. University of Illinois Press, 2006.

Ellis Island to Ebbets Field : sport and the American Jewish experience / Peter Levine. Oxford University Press, 1992.

Juden im Sport während des Nationalsozialismus : ein historisches Handbuch für Niedersachsen und Bremen / by Lorenz Peiffer and Henry Wahlig. Wallstein Verlag, 2012.

Jüdischer Sport und Sport der Juden in Deutschland : eine kommentierte Bibliografie / by Lorenz Pfeiffer and Henry Wahlig. Verlag Die Werkstatt, 2009.

The Jew in American sports / by Harold U. Ribalow. Bloch Pub. Co., 1966.

Sports and the American Jew / edited by Steven A. Riess. Syracuse University Press, 1998.

Sport im Abseits : die Geschichte der jüdischen Sportbewegung im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland / by Henry Wahlig. Wallstein Verlag, 2015.

One hundred years of "Muscular Judaism" : sport in Jewish history and culture / Edited by David K. Wiggins, et. al. Special issue of: Journal of Sport History, vol. 26, no. 2, Summer 1999. North American Society for Sport History, 1999.


Out of left field : Jews and Black baseball / by Rebecca T. Alpert. Oxford University Press, 2011.

The American game : baseball and ethnicity / edited by Lawrence Baldassaro and Richard A. Johnson. Southern Illinois University Press, 2002.

Jews and baseball / by Burton A. Boxerman and Benita W. Boxerman. McFarland & Co., 2007.

Matzoh balls and baseballs : conversations with Jewish former major league baseball players / by Dave Cohen. Havenhurst Books, 2010.

The big book of Jewish baseball / by Peter S. Horvitz & Joachim Horvitz. S.P.I. Books, 2001.

Chasing dreams : Baseball and becoming American / edited by Josh Perelman. National Museum of American Jewish History, 2014.

American Jews and America's game : Voices of a growing legacy in baseball / by Larry Ruttman. University of Nebraska Press, 2013.

Hammerin' Hank Greenberg : Baseball pioneer / by Shelley Sommer. Calkins Creek, 2011.


Dolph Schayes and the rise of professional basketball / by Dolph Grundman. Syracuse University Press, 2014.

Nancy Lieberman, basketball's magic lady / by Betty Millsaps Jones. Harvey House Publishers, 1980.

Basketball my way / by Nancy Lieberman with Myrna & Harvey Frommer. Scribner, 1982.

"A sport at which Jews excel" : Jewish basketball in American society, 1900-1951 / by Arieh Sclar. Thesis (Ph.D.), State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2008.

The SPHAS : The life and times of basketball's greatest Jewish team / by Douglas Stark. Temple University Press, 2011.


When boxing was a Jewish sport / by Allen Bodner. Praeger, 1997.

Barney Ross / by Douglas Century. Nextbook : Schocken, 2006. 

Corner men : The great boxing trainers / by Ronald K. Fried. Four Walls Eight Windows, 1991.

Harry Haft : Auschwitz survivor, challenger of Rocky Marciano / by Alan Scott Haft. Syracuse University Press, 2006.

The life story of Abe the newsboy : hero of a thousand fights / by Abe Hollandersky. Abe the Newsboy Pub. Co., 1930.

The memoirs of the life of Daniel Mendoza / edited by Paul Magriel. Batsford, 1951.

Stars in the ring : Jewish champions in the golden age of boxing : A photographic history / by Mike Silver. Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.


Foiled, Hitler's Jewish olympian : The Helene Mayer story / by Milly Mogulof. RDR Books, 2002.

Hakoah men's soccer team; Vienna : Portraits Men. c1930. From the Tova Tokayer Family Collection (AR 11751). LBI.


"De Stern ufem Herz, in Züri dihei" : hundert Jahre Vielfalt, Offenheit und Toleranz / edited by FC Hakoah Zü̈rich. Chronos, 2023.

Ajax, the Dutch, the war: Soccer in Europe during the Second World War / by Simon Kuper. Nation Books, 2012.

Hakenkreuz und rundes Leder : Fussball im Nationalsozialismus / by Lorenz Peiffer & Dietrich Schulze-Marmeling. Verlag Die Werkstatt, 2008.

Julius "Juller" Hirsch, 1892 Achern-1943 Auschwitz : deutscher Fussballnationalspieler / by Swantje Schollmeyer. Hentrich & Hentrich, 2007.

Davidstern und Lederball : die Geschichte der Juden im deutschen und internationalen Fussball / edited by Dietrich Schulze-Marmeling. Verlag Die Werkstatt, 2003.

Heulen mit den Wölfen : der 1. FC Nürnberg und der Ausschluss seiner jüdischen Mitglieder / by Bernd Siegler. Starfruit, 2022. 


American Jewish women on the court : Seeking an identity in tennis in the early decades of the twentieth century / by Linda J. Borish. Purdue University Press for the USC Casden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life, 2014.

The match : Althea Gibson and Angela Buxton : How two outsiders - one Black, the other Jewish - forged a friendship and made sports history / by Bruce Schoenfeld. Amistad, 2004. 

Track and Field

Vergessene Rekorde : jüdische Leichtathletinnen vor und nach 1933 / edited by Berno Bahro, et al. Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, 2009.

By leaps and bounds / by Margret Bergmann Lambert. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2005.

Hitlers Angst vor dem jüdischen Gold : der Fall Bergmann, die verhinderte Olympiasiegerin / by Christian Frietsch. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013.

Abel Kiviat, national champion : Twentieth-century track & field and the melting pot / by Alan S. Katchen. Syracuse University Press, 2009.

King of the road : From Bergen-Belsen to the Olympic games : The autobiography of an Israeli scientist and a world-record-holding race walker / by Shaul P. Ladany ; translated from the Hebrew by Sara Kitai. Gefen Publishing, 2008.

Meditations from the breakdown lane : Running across America / James E. Shapiro. Random House, 1982.

The 1936 Summer Olympics

The Nazi Olympics : Berlin 1936 /  / by Susan D. Bachrach. Little, Brown, and Co., 2000.

The boys in the boat : Nine Americans and their epic quest for gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics / by Daniel James Brown. Viking, 2013.

Hitler's games : The 1936 Olympics / by Duff Hart-Davis. Harper & Row, 1986.

The Nazi Olympics / by Richard D. Mandell. University of Illinois Press, 1987.