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Collection Guide: Archive of the American Soviet Jewry Movement

Overview of the individual archival collections and library materials that make up the AASJM.

Stickers, Bumper Stickers, Refrigerator Magnets, Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry, Undated (I-530, AJHS)

The U.S. Campaign for Soviet Jews: A Select Bibliography

A Soviet Jewry Freedom Seder / by Ohr Kodesh Congregation. 1974. Print. 

Campus Action for Soviet Jewry / by Judyth Robbins Saypol. 1971. Print. 

Challenging the World's Conscience: The Soviet Jewry Movement, American Political Culture, and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1952-1967 / by Marc E. Frey. 2002. Print. 

From Exodus to Freedom: A History of the Soviet Jewry Movement / Stuart Altshuler. 2005. Print. 

Make a Connection!: Share Your Bar or Bat Mitzvah with a Russian Twin / by the Detroit Soviet Jewry Committee of the Jewish Community Council. 1982. Print. 

Mr. Gorbachev, Let My People Go / by Margery Sanford, Adele E. Sandberg; Presented by the South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry, a Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation's Community Relations Committee. 1986. Print. Case Histories of the Refusniks v. 13. 

Perspectives on Soviet Jewry / by Nathan Glazer ... [et Al.]. 1971. Print. 

Proceedings of the Emma Lazarus Statue of Liberty Award Dinner Commemorating the American Soviet Jewry Movement / by George P. Shultz, and American Jewish Historical Society. 2007. Print. 

Renewal: Reconnecting Soviet Jewry to the Jewish People: A Decade of American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJJDC) Activities in the Former Soviet Union, 1988-1998 / by Anita Weiner. 2003. Print. Studies in Judaism. 

Seeking a New Dialogue to Save Soviet Jews / by Adele E. Sandberg, Margery Sanford, Myriam P. Wolf; Chief Translator, Irving Dalin; Presented by the South Florida Conference on Soviet Jewry. 1981. Print. Case Histories of the Refusniks v. 8. 

Soviet Jewry and Soviet Policy / by Alfred D. Low. 1990. Print. East European Monographs No. 281. 

Soviet Jewry in the 1980s: The Politics of Anti-Semitism and Emigration and the Dynamics of Resettlement / Edited by Robert O. Freedman. 1989. Print. 

The Family Markish: A Case Study in the Struggle of Soviet Jewry / by the Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Boston. Soviet Jewry Committee.1974. Print. 

The Fate of Soviet Jewry: The Jews in the Soviet Union: Soviet-Yiddish Literature 1918-1948 / by Elias Schulman. 1958. Print. 

The Struggle for Soviet Jewry in American Politics: Israel versus the American Jewish Establishment / by Fred A. Lazin. 2005. Print. Studies in Public Policy (Lanham, Md.). 

Triumph over Tyranny: The Heroic Campaigns That Saved 2,000,000 Soviet Jews / by Philip Spiegel; Foreword by Natan Sharansky. 2008. Print. 

When They Come for Us, We'll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle to Save Soviet Jewry / by Gal Beckerman. 2010. Print.
Will Soviet Jewry Survive? / by Elie Wiesel. 1967. Print.